One Off Sculptures

"The Bears Mill Bear", The Historic Bears Mill, Greenville, OH

"The Pollinator" ate the BISH Discovery Center, Greenville, OH

"Chompy", The Phinizy Swamp Nature Park, Augusta, GA

"Ribbons of Light", The Anchorage Senior Center, Anchorage AK

"We Rise By Lifting Others", Carrot Creek Kinetic Art Promenade, Frederick, MD 2023-2025

"From the Depths", Underwater Museum of Art, FL 2021 Permanent

"Labyrinth Gateway", Green Acres Park, Runnymede, NJ 2021 Permanent

"The Delray Blocks", Alexandria, VA 2021 Permanent

"History of Colorado Public Transportation", Greeley Evans Transit Center, CO 2019 Permanent

The Turtle, Shell & Feather, Parkview Manor, Hyattsville, MD 2018 Permanent